Sebutkan Urutan Tingkatan dalam Penggalang dan Maknanya

Sebutkan Urutan Tingkatan dalam Penggalang dan Maknanya

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Scouting is a movement that has been loved by many people, especially young people, for decades. This movement has a hierarchy system that aims to develop leadership skills and instill discipline in its members. In the Penggalang level, there are several ranks that members can achieve. Here are the rankings in Penggalang and their meanings.

Penggalang Ramu

The first level in the Penggalang hierarchy is Penggalang Ramu. This level is intended for members aged 11-13 years old. At this level, members are taught about discipline, leadership, and teamwork. Penggalang Ramu is also taught basic scouting skills such as camping, hiking, and knotting. The meaning behind the name Penggalang Ramu is “The Rangers Who Help”. Members are expected to be able to help others and be useful in their community.

Penggalang Rakit

The second level in the Penggalang hierarchy is Penggalang Rakit. This level is intended for members aged 13-15 years old. At this level, members are taught more advanced scouting skills such as survival skills, first aid, and map reading. Penggalang Rakit is also taught about community service and environmental conservation. The meaning behind the name Penggalang Rakit is “The Rangers Who Build”. Members are expected to be able to build something useful for their community.

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Penggalang Terap

The third level in the Penggalang hierarchy is Penggalang Terap. This level is intended for members aged 15-17 years old. At this level, members are taught about leadership and decision-making. Penggalang Terap is also taught about entrepreneurship and financial management. The meaning behind the name Penggalang Terap is “The Rangers Who Excel”. Members are expected to be able to excel in their field of expertise and be able to lead others.

Penggalang Garuda

The highest level in the Penggalang hierarchy is Penggalang Garuda. This level is intended for members aged 17-19 years old. At this level, members are taught about national and international issues. Penggalang Garuda is also taught about diplomacy and negotiation. The meaning behind the name Penggalang Garuda is “The Rangers Who Soar”. Members are expected to be able to soar high and make a positive impact on their community and their country.

Those are the rankings in Penggalang and their meanings. Each level has its own challenges and goals that members must achieve. By mastering each level, members can develop their leadership skills and become a better person. Scouting is not just a hobby, but also a way of life that can prepare young people to face the challenges of the future.

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So, if you are a member of the Penggalang level, strive to achieve the highest rank and make a positive impact on your community and your country. Good luck!

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